Download YoWhatsApp APK v9.0 for Android [Latest Update 2020] YoWhatsapp APK Information APP NAME YoWhatsApp Version 2020 Developer YoWa APK...
Download YoWhatsApp APK v9.0 for Android [Latest Update 2020]
YoWhatsapp APK Information
APK Size
46 MB
APK Type
WhatsApp Mods
Last Updated
1 min ago
Features of YoWhatsApp APK
Completely disable the internet in YOWhatsApp using Aeroplane mode.
Anti Ban2 YOWhatsApp.
Fixed Bugs.
Extended expiry date.
Based on Latest WhatsApp Update 2.18.293
Swipe to reply messages, Enabled Group Video Calling.
No Forward icon while forwarding any message.
Increase Forward limit for Indian users.
Record Without Keep Touching Phone: Tap record button and swipe up to keep recording your voice without hassle of keep touching voice icon until you record.
Call Blocker: Now you can block individual WhatsApp calls or allow who can call you on WhatsApp with this YOWhatsApp latest version 8.12
Set Home Screen Wallpaper: You was able to set wallpaper on chat screen, but now you can also set wallpaper on WhatsApp home screen.
Themes: If you are already bored with the regular layout and theme of default WhatsApp messenger, then you should get YoWA 2020 version. If you want to customize your WhatsApp, then you can change them of WhatsApp using YoWhatsApp for Android. Do note that new themes are introduced in every new update, so you can get unlimited number of themes for WhatsApp.
Privacy Options: Privacy options is the first advantage you get with YoWhatsApp apk. By using YOWhatsApp Android you can hide online status, blue ticks (read message), recording status, double tick and many more.
Anti-Ban: Yo WhatsApp messenger is anti-ban app, so don’t worry about getting your account banned. Moreover, you can enjoy using this app as long as you want and can send messages without any limits.
App Lock: Another good thing about latest Yo WA is that you can put an app-lock in it without downloading any third-party app locker. It comes with in-built app locker that allows you to put a PIN or Passcode as your password to open the app.
Anonymous Messaging: There’s a limitation in WhatsApp, that you can’t send messages to someone unless you’ve their number. In latest YoWhatsApp update you can send messages to anyone without saving their contact number in your phone.
Media Sharing: Now a days sharing files over internet is everyone’s need and with YoWhatsApp you can send high quality images without any limits. Moreover with Yousef Al Basha YoWhatsApp you will be able to send videos up to 700MB without any restrictions.
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